Optimized multi-commodity vessel routing optimization

Vessel Routing Optimization


Vessel routingShipping Industry is currently facing challenges of under-utilizedship spaceand high waiting time at discharge locations. Demand fluctuations along with dependency on tide timings add further to addressing these challenges.

ORMAE has built customized solution on multi-commodity, multi-port routing optimization problem for set of vessels where the demand of different commodities at different ports are updated in real time.

Business Impact

Demand data was studied at different ports for different commodities. Based on expected commodity demand, weather information, ship route was optimized in real time. Cost reduction of 3-5 % achieved with ability to use the same model for any number of ports, commodities, vessels, and days/weeks/months

Image title

Our tailored Solutions for Vessel routing

Image title Maximizing the quantity of cargo in the vessel including multicommodity cargo

Image title  Minimizing waiting times at multiple ports & terminals

Image title  Minimizing/preventing the occurrence of stock-out at ports

Image title  Constraints/Challenges:

          a) Port Level Constraints and Restrictions

          b) Vessel Restrictions

          c) Demand variation in real time at ports