End to End customized application development expertise in Supply Chain and Logistics

Transportation and Supply Chain Logistics

Supply Chain and Logistics - By Air, By Sea, By LandImage title

Providing transportation and logistics analytics services we help companies in the industry achieve sustainability, improve market share, and reduce costs. 

Travel and Transportation are fundamental industries to human living.Nearly 4 billion flyers travelled on airlines in 2018 and the number is expected to reach 7.6 billion flyers by year 2036.

Some of the most disruptive companies in the recent past be it Uber or AirBnb have evolved by providing solutions in the Travel and Transportation space.

As the industry has matured, the importance of data analytics and Logistics optimization have been increasing manifold.

Airline Industry

Be it Dynamic Pricing or Operations Optimization, the Airline industry has been a pioneer in use of advanced analytics, high speed computing and optimization for many years.
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However, the advent of big data and fundamental changes in the Airline business model have created a need for re-thinking of the conventional techniques.

On the revenue side, growth of ancillary revenue has made big data analytics on customer loyalty programs commonplace.

Real time dynamic pricing engines are taking into account more and more complex pieces of data to price the ancillary revenue features like seat charges, extra baggage charges, onboard services like meals, in a scientific manner.

On the operations side, some of the exciting developments revolve around analysis of prediction of aircraft part failure, maintenance prediction, network optimization and disruptions recovery.

Shipping Industry

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Shipping is a key determinant of global growth. The bulk of the world's cargo is routed through the shipping industry and if the shipping industry sneezes, the world economy catches a cold and vice versa! 

Another important optimization problem is the planning and packing of cargo in consignments and routing them.

However, immense opportunity exists for using cutting edge analytics for demand forecasting, automated pricing for cargo shipments, and pricing for vessel chartering.

Rail Industry

Like the airline industry, the rail industry is a fuel intensive business, with unionozed labour force.

On the analytics side, the Rail Industry has also been relying on increasing means of ancillary revenues but more in terms of onboard meals, travel packages and flexi pass.

Trucking Industry

Trucking industry is one of the most challenging and growing insdutry in supply chain logistics. It has complex business challenges in terms of truck routings, operational movement constraints, delivery time windows, multi depot multi trips etc. ORMAE has develeoped customized solutions for clients in this area and have deep expertise in solving the most complex routing optimization problems.

Our tailored Solutions for Transportation and Supply Chain Logistics Industry:

Image title Operational Business Constraints tailored to the specific culogisticsstomers

Image title  Intelligent, future ready solutions involving Big Data

Image title  Dynamic and Scalable Solutions

Image title  Integration with existing systems